Train Hugger Planting Projects

Devon Beech Trees

Tree Planting

Devon Beech Trees

Beech Trees: sustainable forestry

Like other UK hardwoods beech trees are slow growing compared to softwoods. It takes a hundred and fifty years before a beech is ready to harvest. Over two lifetimes the beach will create habitat, absorb carbon and grow into one of our most handsome species.

When they reach maturity they are extremely valuable but well-managed beech woods are now alas all too rare in the UK. It's easier to grow Sitka Spruce and harvest in forty years for fence posts than to grow a sustainable forest with homes for red squirrels but at this new wood in Devon we're giving it our best shot.

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Listed below are some of the trees planting on this site

If the oak is the king of British trees, then the beech is its queen.A dense canopy of leaves provides a rich habitat for all sorts of insects, its seeds are popular with mice and squirrels, and hole-nesting birds make their homes in beech trunks.Some of the UK’s tallest native trees are beeches, including one that stands at over 44m tall on the National Trust's Devil's Dyke Estate in West Sussex.‍
You’ll find this striking, brightly-coloured flowering plant in hedgerows and forests all over Europe. The spindle is also a very popular addition to parks and gardens, because of its pink and orange fruit and foliage which turns red in the autumn. Its wood is hard and dense, making it the ideal choice for the manufacture of spindles and skewers, and the discovery of spindle wood at Bronze Age burial sites means man has been using it for thousands of years.
The ash is the third most common tree in Britain and thrives in rich, fertile soil where it provides a home for woodpeckers and owls. The ash’s leaves, and indeed its whole crown, can move in the direction of sunlight. You have probably heard of ash dieback disease, a fungus affecting both the leaves and crown. It has already wiped thousands of these elegant trees from our landscape, and experts are trying to stop it. For example, we’ve funded ash planting from genetic stock that is thought to be resilient to Ash dieback disease. We’ve also funded ash where surrounding, diseased trees have been removed (and therefore the pathogen has been removed from the area) and the proportion of ash in the mix is relatively low. If we stop planting ash altogether, any wildlife that relies on it will also die. Although it’s not what we hope for, even if an ash we plant is not able to reach maturity (because it succumbs to dieback), it can still provide a habitat for dependant wildlife. This means that a planted ash can: 1. Give wildlife a fighting chance of finding a healthy ash to live on 2. Give wildlife enough time to wait for a forester to plant a foreign tree species that it can survive on 3. Or (in the longer term) give the wildlife enough time to evolve just enough to be able to survive on a different tree species.
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